Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where do I begin...

Some days BEGIN early...(5 am trips to the airport)
On Friday, Jan 20, 2012 we went to the airport to say goodbye to
Elder Guevara

Elder Guevara was our first Financial Secretary in the office when we arrived. 
 Three of our original office crew have now finished their missions.
Saying goodbye is BEGINNING to get harder and harder!

2 financial secretaries...saying goodbye is hard to do!!

On Saturday we BEGAN the day
learning to make snickerdoodles.
Elders Ramirez, Rázuri, y Zuniga wanted to thank the members
for their work in finding new investigators this week.

 By Sunday we were BEGINNING to see the fruits of
hard work, faith, fasting, relying on the Lord and working hand in hand with the members.

Our incredible missionaries have completed their commitments with an overwhelming


New Investigators!!!
Now the real work BEGINS...
...as they love, teach, build testimonies, and help these investigators receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. 

I am BEGINNING to feel more Colombian.
On Monday night I had my first Sancocho...

A delicious soup with chicken, yucca, potatoe, plantain, and corn and
of course with plenty of rice on the side.

With the help of the missionaries and a ward member we BEGAN to share the gospel
with our friend Cristina and her family.
 It was also her sons birthday so we did a little Happy Birthday-ing as well.

Elders Hansen and Borg with Brother Loayza
Leonardo, Cristina, Cristina's mom (90) and Janeth
Happy Birthday Leonardo!

Here's hoping that this is the BEGINNING of a whole lot of happy for
this family and our missionaries!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Our missionaries are awesome!

This week they have worked to keep their commitments.
At this moment we have


new investigators in the Colombia Cali Mission.
Our goal was 800...and we have 2 more days to go!!

According to Preach My Gospel New Investigators are:
"...individuals who have received a lesson AND accepted a specific return appointment."

At this moment President Prince and I have about 7 new investigators...we are turning them over to our competent missionaries to teach and bring to baptism.

The Lord is at work in His vineyard with His servants...He has prepared these people to receive our missionaries.  The members here have been wonderful. 
The missionaries could not have done it without the support and help of these great saints. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This week has seemed like a month...
We have met with 12 of our 12 zones in 8 days.
Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Tuluá, Palmira, San Fernando, Popayán, and Villa Colombia, Calima, Pasto, Belén, and Medellín.
Those in the Pasto zone we trained via skype as we couldn't get flights soon enough.
(that has it's own challenges, but it was great to have the technology to do it!)

Playing "who wants to be a millionaire?" with questions from Preach My Gospel was a great diversion from the statistics and data of the mission.

Here are our winners from the zones:
Elder Tellez - Zona Calima, Hermana Careno - Zona Popayán, Elder Sorensen - Zona Palmira, 
Elder Haycock - Zona Belén, Elder Jairo Vasquez - Zona Armenia,
Elder Rivas - Zona Manizales, Hermana Lopez - Zona Tuluá, Elder Juarez - Zona Medellín,
Elder Ocon - Zona Villa Colombia, Elder Diaz - Zona San Fernando,
Hermana Leguizamón - Zona Pereira
(yes, we are missing Zona Pasto...we didn't get to go there, and will save the game for our trip there)

These missionaries KNOW the Preach My Gospel Manual!!

We discussed the difference between a goal and a commitment.
Learning to make REAL commitments and complete them was the theme of the training.
Committing the number of push ups they could do and then having to complete them without letting down their zone was a living example.  We had only a few who with shaking arms, and sweaty hands fell before completing their final one. 
President Prince and the Assistants are sore from the constant exercise!
....but they set the example of keeping their commitments and going the extra mile!

We are preparing for a special week called "La Semana de la Siembra".
The missionaries have COMMITTED to find 10 new investigators per area during this week. 
The members are involved with helping them. 
We have COMMITTED to have 800 new investigators in the mission this week.

After days 1 & 2 of this week we have 251 New Investigators.
Pray for our missionaries to find those the Lord has prepared.
Stand by to see if we are able to keep our commitments!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Zone Leader Counsel

It takes a mighty zone leader 
to do the work of 10 missionaries.
But it takes an even mightier zone leader to get
10 missionaries to do their work!

We have great leaders in our mission.
They are learning about leadership.
They are learning about dealing with challenges and personalities.
They are learning to be more humble.
They are learning how to do hard things even when it isn't fun!

Their warm hand shakes, smiles, and kindness
make every cookie I bake worthwhile.
They simply know how to make me smile.

Zone Leader Counsel
January 2012

And of these 24 leaders, 9 will be finishing their missions
before our next zone counsel.
Well done...thou good and faithful leaders!

Elders Galindo, Diaz, Rivas, Cary, Cachari, Zuniga, Vasquez
Fiestas, y Calderón with Hermana y Presidente Prince

we could not train these leaders without the help of

"The Office"
Hermana y Elder Torgerson
Elders Belnap, Rázuri, Ramirez, Alfaro, Vera, y Jamett
y MARIA!!! 
(every office needs a Maria - just ask the missionaries!!)