Friday, February 28, 2014

Zone Conference in Pasto...always be ready with Plan B...

The Assistants planned to go to Pasto and do divisions the day before our trip
Plan to Pasto, do divisions!
What actually happened (Plan B)...
Flight was delayed so they would not make their connection in Bogota,
 they came back to Cali, took a bus to Pasto arriving in the middle of the night and did divisions the following day.

Plan light and take it all in a small suitcase
What actually happened (Plan B)...
We did just that, but I forgot my coat and scarf.
First time in Pasto without anything to stay warm!
Think warm thoughts and stay warm!

Plan A...Zone leaders order lunch and have it ready at 1pm for 36 missionaries.
What actually happened (Plan B)...
Zone leaders ordered lunch, confirmed lunch with restaurant the morning of, paid for half of the lunch several days before,
left to pick up lunch at 12:30pm,
Called to say the restaurant was closed and they now had no lunch.
Sister Prince walks to nearby restaurant and orders 12 large pizzas.
President Prince and AP´s continue on with conference.
Zone Leaders go to store to buy drinks, plates, cups.
We have lunch at 2:30 instead of 1pm.

We still don´t know what happened to that restaurant!

I have always said that Pasto was complicated,
but we have learned how to adapt!

Ipiales Zone
 Front:  Elders Estrada, Flores, Farinango, Aguilera
Back:  Elders Perez, Hogan, Vaca, J. Walker, PRINCE, Cha, Bautista, V. Rodriguez, and Lyle

Pasto Zone
Front:  Sisters Cedano, C. Hernandez, Romero, PRINCE, Cruz, Baca
Back:  Elders Jolley, Lobelcho, B. Payne, Rosario, Rogche, Morales, Calvillo, K. Rodriguez, Quisbert, Hansen, Morgan, Martinez, Nuñez, and Kendrick


 Our newest Captain Moroni
Elder J. Walker


 One of Elder Aldunate´s converts made this wonderful dessert...
Merengon with various fruits and whipped cream.  YUM!

those who have birthdays in Jan, Feb, and Mar
 Elders Lyle and J. Walker
Sister C. Hernandez
Elders Aldunate, Rosario, Calvillo, and Lobelcho

Arriving...back in Cali
Plan A...Get home in time to prepare for evening meeting
What actually happened (Plan B)...
This is how we found the car in the airport parking lot.
 This is NOT a white shirt job!

Tire loaded and we were on our way!

You might say after a month of zone conferences
we are re-tired (or tired again!)

What we have learned-
Adapt...and always have a Plan B!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

random thoughts 3 years later...

Three years ago the first post on my blog was the following...I have used the strike out feature to update it to our current status:

We have been called to Serve in LEAVE the Colombia Cali Mission. Our mission preparations are somewhat akin to a tornado ripping through your house! We have sold two homes, stored BEGUN TO ORGANIZE AND PACK (moving company came today to take an assessment) our belongings, begun spanish and preach my gospel tutoring, participated in moving webinars and area conference calls,CONTINUED WITH ZONE CONFERENCE, WEBCASTS, STAKE AND DISTRICT CONFERENCES, SENDING OFF AND RECEIVING MISSIONARIES, ETC. and tried to anticipate what we will need to take with us for 3 years DO FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.
We have had the guiding hand of the Lord, the missionary department, many dear friends, our parents, OUR RETURNED MISSIONARIES, and our children and grandchildren (whom are the wind beneath our wings!WE CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE!)
The adventure is about to begin...the countdown is real!


1.  This is like walking into a thick fog and hoping the light soon shines through.  
2.  We will NEVER know if we helped change things, but we DO KNOW that we have been changed in the process of trying.
3.  The only thing you can really take with you are the memories.
4.  Friends are forever...those who helped me from home and those who will go home with me in my heart.
5.  The gospel is perfect.  The missionaries and members are not.
6.  Prayer changes things.
7.  Never underestimate the power of a missionary mom!
8.  I feel grateful for the journey.
9.  We will forever be connected to our missionaries and their families for having had this experience.
10. Enduring to the end is real!

Friday, February 21, 2014

1, 2,...7...a month of goodbyes

February 2014 surprised us with 3 different departure dates
missionaries finishing their service and returning home to their families

February 4, 2014
One Happy Elder
Elder Williams has been a gigantic missionary in size and spirit
His smile defined his mission...happily serving his Father in Heaven.

 One Happier Family
Happily reunited!

February 11, 2014
One of the big tests to see if they are ready to go back into ¨real life¨
is watching them try to choose something from a menu...
instead of being handed a plate of rice, beans, and chicken.
 They did just fine...little decisions can bring great blessings!

 Two contented Elders
 Elders Lamoreaux and Silva have been great leaders in the mission.
They will be remembered for their willingness to DO in whatever the circumstance.
 On their way to the arms of their families!...well done Elders!

Two VERY Content Families
They made it!
Mission Accomplished Elder Lamoreaux!
Welcome Home Elder Silva!

February 21, 2014
Seven Ready Elders
Elders Faúndez, Low, Reyes, Rivadeneira, Edwards, Olguin, and Hutchison

They have finished strong and are ready to return with honor.

We had a special night with them to say farewell

 It has been a ¨sweet¨ blessing to have these missionaries 
in the Cali, Colombia mission!

Until we meet again...
(the saddest part of the morning was a change in flight plans
and not being able to see Elder Rivadeneira and Elder Olguin
off at the airport...they had to leave on an earlier flight 
and we arrived 10 minutes after they left!)
Watch out USA here they come!
Elders Hutchison, Low, and Edwards
 Many members from Palmira arrived at the airport to say Good-bye!

A second trip to the airport in the afternoon...
 To send Elder Faúndez off to Chile 
Elder Reyes back to Argentina
 Another group of members came to see them off
They are beloved missionaries!
 For those who know how hard it is to say goodbye...
This has been a LONG month of Goodbyes!

And their families and friends are READY to have them home!
Reunited again...
Elder Edwards and Elder Walton!
Elder Rivadeneira back at home!
2 Cali missionaries together
Elder Ramirez and Elder Rivadeneira
Elder Olguin back in Mexico!
Elder Low arrived safely into his parents arms!
Elder Low and Elder Edwards flew all the way to Arizona together.
Elder Reyes made it all the way to Argentina...happy are we!