Monday, June 10, 2013


Starting in the end of February we started receiving
"Temporary Missionaries"
...those who are ready to start their missions but are waiting for their visas to arrive.
We have had some who were here 3 days before receiving their visas
others who have been here almost 4 months.

They are all Colombians who received a calling signed by a prophet
to serve in a foreign country.
With faith they begin their service here.
They work hard.
They become trainers and leaders.
They fall in love with members, investigators, and companions.
And then that phone call comes...
their visa has arrived and they will be going to the mission they were called to.

It was just a temporary stop in our mission...
...but a permanent change in our lives and theirs.

The missions in Argentina are receiving some great missionaries!
Until we meet again...this is just a "temporary" separation!
Elders Munoz, Florez, and Rodelo
Sisters Valerio and Gonzalez

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